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Embrapa Milho e Sorgo
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Agência de Informação Embrapa
Árvore do conhecimento do Milho
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Centro de inteligência do milho
Sistema de Monitoramento Agrometeorológico
Câmara Setorial
Câmara Setorial
da Cadeia Produtiva de Milho e Sorgo, Aves e Suínos
Associação Brasileira de Milho e Sorgo

Embrapa Maize & Sorghum

The center develops projects and research to produce, adapt and diffuse knowledge and technologies in corn and sorghum production by the efficient and rational use of natural resources. This is a pioneer research center in Brazil, for the introduction of high protein content corn cultivars, resistant to wet and acid soil.

Its team of 70 researchers strives in their search for technologies, products and services for agribusiness with an emphasis on competitivity, sustainability and environmental preservation.


  • Genetic improvement and use of corn, sorghum and millet germplasms
  • Integrated pest management
  • Biotechnology applied in genetic improvement and integrated pest management
  • Management of production systems aimed at agricultural sustainability


  • Franchise for the commercial production of corn and sorghum cultivars
  • Recommendation of cultivars, characterization, preservation, tests and distribution of germplasm
  • Agroecological zoning of corn and sorghum in the main producing regions
  • Foliar, soil, fertilizer, seed and bromatology analysis
  • Consulting services and training


  • Corn, sorghum and millet cultivars adapted to the different ecosystems
  • Cultivars for sweet corn and popcorn with high protein content
  • Bioinsecticide for the control of corn armworm
  • Machinery and equipment adapted to different production systems
  • Specialized publications

Major Research Areas

  • Genetics and improvement for adapting plants to different climatic conditions
  • Biotechnology applied to genetic improvement and the integrated management of pests and diseases
  • Management of production systems, agroecosytems, zoning and sustainable agriculture
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Todos os direitos reservados, conforme Lei nº 9.610
Empresa Brasileira de Pesquisa Agropecuária - Embrapa
Política de Privacidade
Embrapa Milho e Sorgo
Rod. MG 424 KM 65 - Sete Lagoas
Telefone (31) 3027-1100 - Fax (31) 3027-1188
Caixa Postal 285 ou 151 - CEP 35701-970 Sete Lagoas - MG - Brasil
Fale conosco: (31) 3027 - 1267